Grace Foot

Product Type: Mechanical

Mobility Grade: K2 – K3

Max. body weight: 24cm, 25cm – 84kgs, 26cm – 104 kgs

‘Grace Foot’ is a high grade elastomer prosthetic foot made to mimic natural foot functions.

ISO 22675:2016(E) test cleared


Nature-like Flexibility

  • Human ankle is soft and supple.
  • While walking, it allows the tibia to flex more than 30°, a condition not achieved by other passive prosthetic feet.
  • Grace Foot™™™ helps amputees reach higher values of flexion in all phases of stance.

Innovative material with high ESR

  • Bio-inspired elastomeric polymer.
  • High flexibility, upto 30 degree dorsiflexion.

Roll Over

  • Biomimetic design.
  • Single curve with uniformly varying stiffness offers a smoother walk.


  • Tested for 20 lakh cycles as per ISO 22675:2016(E) specifications.
  • Completely waterproof footshell.
  • Footshell doesn’t become powdery on storage for longer durations.

Warranty: Keel & Adapter – 24 months and Footshell 6 months, from the date of Fupro’s invoice.


SR. NO. USP User Benefit
1 Dorsiflexion upto 30 degree Mimics Natural ankle flexibility
2 Superior engineering grade Polymers Longer life, Less weight & outperforms strength & dependability of carbon fiber foot.
3 Smooth roll over Provides graceful & intitutive walking experience
4 High Energy storage & return Longer and faster walk
5 Ease of fitment & assembly Easy assembly along with alignment marks are provided to ensure maximum convenience for prosthetist
6 Durable cosmetic cover Completely waterproof
High grade tear resistant material ensures longer life
8 ISO 22675 tested for 2 million cycles Durability and confidance in every step

593 grams

Build Height*

100 mm

Activity Level


Body Weight Class

<64 <64-84 <84-104 kgs


24,25,26 cms


24 months on keel, 6 months on cosmetic cover


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